Monday, March 22, 2010

Major Expansion of Nature Programs!

2010 brings a major new expansion to all Magnuson Park Nature Programs, starting with an exciting FREE event:
'Celebrate Urban Nature' Saturday, April 10th
from 10:30am-2:00pm at the Magnuson Community Center 7110 62nd Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-684-7026

  • Free music concert for families inside the Auditorium, by Caspar Babypants and Friends! (aka Chris Ballew)
  • Hands-on interactive booths and resources from local environmental education organizations
  • Woodland Park Zoo program with live birds!
  • Nature carnival with prizes
  • Bug Safari!
  • Roving Reptiles show!
  • Nature-based classes for children and families
  • Refreshments
  • And much, much more!
Here are some of the other new nature programs and events in store for 2010:
FREE Family Nature Explorer Classes
Bring the whole family to Magnuson Park to learn together! You’ll see and learn easy ways to attract more songbirds and butterflies to your garden, and how to make it more fun for your children to explore and play there. Each class includes free printed materials, and hands-on outdoor activities in either the Magnuson Community Center Bird-Friendly Landscape or the Magnuson Children’s Garden.
Instructor: Emily Bishton

Pre-registration requested, but walk-ins are welcome

Class #1. How to Create your Own Bird-friendly Garden
Sat. April 10th from 11:30am-12:30pm

(part of the 'Celebrate Urban Nature' event)
Location: Magnuson Community Center-Windemere Room, and the Bird-Friendly Landscape.

Class #2. How to Create your own Child-friendly Garden
Sat. May 1st from 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: Magnuson Brig- Ravenna Room, and the Children’s Garden.

For more info or to register for either of these classes, contact the Community Center staff at 206-684-7026 or visit

FREE Magnuson Family Explorer Wetland Walks
Bring the whole family for an adventure in the new Magnuson Park Wetlands! You’ll see emerging spring growth, the arrival and departure of insects and migratory birds, the seasonal ebb and flow of water in the ponds and swales, lush summer bounty of flowering and fruiting plants, and the quiet times of fall. Each tour will include info on the history and function of the site, but each will also have a different theme with fun, hands-on exploration activities. Binoculars and field guides will be provided, or you can bring your own.
Tour Leaders: Emily Bishton and Miriam Preus
Location: The NE 65th St entry to the Magnuson Wetlands, inside the parking lot just east of Sportsfield Drive. Meet in front of the tall mounds at the northeast corner of the parking lot.
Pre-registration requested, but walk-ins are welcome.

Wetland Wake-Up April 10th from 9:00-10:00am (part of the 'Celebrate Urban Nature' event)
Tadpoles and Nestlings May 1st from 10:00-11:00am.
Spring Migration June 5th from 10:00-11:00am
The Growing Season July 3rd from 10:00-11:00am
Songs of Summer Aug. 7th from 10:00-11:00am
Fall Migration Sept 4th from 10:00-11:00am
Autumn Beauty Oct 2nd from 10:00-11:00am
Winter Arrivals Nov 6th from 10:00-11:00am

Family Explorer Pack rental, available year-round
Explorer packs are available at the Magnuson Community Center to check out for $5.00 per day. They are perfect for families, scout troops, campfire, 4-H, and homeschool groups.

Pack #2. NEW! “Wetland Discoveries” Explorer Pack
Explore the new Magnuson Wetlands with everything you’ll need for a fun-filled, self-guided adventure! The pack is stuffed with maps, field guides/charts, binoculars, and other exploration supplies. Includes a delightful activity booklet for each child to keep!

Pack #2. “The Birds of Magnuson Park” Explorer Pack

Explore Magnuson Park with everything you’ll need for a fun-filled, self-guided bird-watching adventure! The pack contains maps, field guides, binoculars. and everything else you’ll need for a bird-watching expedition to Promontory Point, the Community Garden, and the Community Center’s Bird-Friendly Landscape. Includes a delightful activity booklet for each child to keep!


C&NN Magnuson Park is a proud participant in the annual National Environmental Education Week, which will be held this year on April 11th-17th. The Magnuson Community Center, Children's Garden, and Bird-Friendly Landscape will host 4 educational events that week for school-age children!
For more info on National Environmental Education Week, visit